Many children experience things that are difficult to explain. Often times, these gifts may be misinterpreted by children and family members leading to fear or alienation. I am able to provide hands-on work with gifted children [ages 5-17] to help them identify, understand and develop their natural energetic abilities. I remind kids they are safe and in-control of Spirit activity, teach them how to embrace their uniqueness, and encourage parental participation by offering suggestions on how to support their gifted child as a loving family.
"Working with gifted children is enormously rewarding... it's my favorite thing to do." - Leanna Marino
Chios Energy Healing is based upon a series of powerful energy, color and light channeling techniques. Discover knowledge and healing power you may not have suspected were available to you. Perception of one's experience is the key to shifting into desired outcomes. As a Master Teacher, I encourage people to discover the healer within and release stagnant energies preventing spiritual wellness and development. Chios levels I, II & III are offered as independent courses, or may be bundled for savings & convenience.
"What an amazing adventure we are experiencing at this time in our lives. Each of us participates in personal energetic integrations - recalibrations from within - and it makes for some serious life altering challenges." - Leanna Marino
Everyone has intuition - that little voice inside telling us what to do. For as long as I remember, it has been much more than that. As a child, I often experienced strong premonitions. I could sense the presence of energies... I saw & heard things others could not. Since I could not explain them early-on, I kept it inside. Unfortunately, many people fear what they do not understand. My life changed forever in 2007. After a series of significant losses, things began happening to me I could no longer disguise. Thanks to amazing teachers, my awakening happened at the speed of light. Today, I live each day in full acceptance of who I am. It is with the deepest gratitude that I offer my services to humanity.
"Humanity depends on the discovery of self-empowerment. It is necessary to grow in the Love we are meant to be as a combined Consciousness of ONE." - Leanna Marino
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